Monday, April 18, 2011

Celebrating the Last Supper

Last Sunday we celebrated Jesus' Last Supper. We distributed the bread and "wine" (grape juice) and then washed each others' feet.

What a wonderful image, so clear and specific..."Now I your Lord and teacher have washed your feet. So also you should wash one anothers feet." (John 13:14). It feels humbling just to perform the task, on your knees, on the hard ground, with someone else's dirty feet in your hands, looking up into their eyes and praying for them with love.

Actually, I find it easier to be the servant, the washer, than the one who is served. Maybe I like being the helper more than the helpee. Yet, this, too, is a lesson for me in humility. To humbly accept service.

When you read the Gospel of John and you come to the part where Jesus ate his last supper with his disciples, you find that John’s “take away” from that last meal together was Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet. In fact, John doesn’t mention anything about the Passover meal or the symbolism in the bread and wine. His memory from that meal was that the Lord humbled himself and washed the disciples’ feet saying, “I have given you an example. You should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:15)

Please pray that we can learn to be servants to each other, in humility and and love. My heart sings:
Will you let me be your servant?
Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I might have the Grace to
Let you be my servant, too.

(words and music by Richard Gillard 1977)

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