Friday, September 13, 2013

Sure Glad These Folks Are Flexible

The format for our Women's Bible Study seems to change a lot.  Last Spring we tried to eliminate the distraction that the many children presented by meeting during the school day and after lunch at "naptime".  It was a great idea, but now I am in the Infant I class all day, so I can't Bible Study at 1:00. This fall we decided to meet at my house on Friday nights like we did in the past.  This time we are serving "desert and juice" instead of dinner.  It's much more manageable because our group is growing. We had 11 adults, 3 children ages 3 - 8, and 3 babies.  

The children joined us for the snack/fellowship time and then played in the kitchen part of the living room with the things from the toy basket.  If anyone wants to help, we need two or three new toys to make the toy basket lend itself to more creativity and variety. 

In the picture above you can see Chelsea.  She is a cheery, bright splash of joy in our fellowship.

Our topic this fall is "Women in the Bible".  We have studied Ana (from Luke 2) and Queen Esther.  It's a good topic for us as the women love a story, acting it out, and retelling it.  I am praying God helps us all to learn what God has to teach us in these stories.  Pray with us.  We meet every Friday at 7 PM Belize time (same as Mountain time in the US).  Pray for wisdom for me as I lead.  Pray also that the women learn to walk closely with the Lord.

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