Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Teaching the Teacher

 Manuel preached on Sunday from Acts 12. This week he picked the scripture he wanted to teach.  He has a Deaf Missions Bible DVD and was watching the book of Acts last week and became interested in the story of Peter.  Peter was thrown in jail by Herod who had just killed James (brother of John) by chopping off his head. Peter was next.  But within hours of Peter's certain execution, the angel of the Lord came to Peter in jail, released the shackles, opened the door, and led him out while guards stood by unable to see anything that was happening.

It's a great story of God's power to do anything, even the impossible.  It's also a great story about God's faithfulness. While Peter was in jail, all of the believers in Jerusalem were praying for God to release him.  They prayed and fasted and were still praying in the middle of the night when Peter (now a freed man) came to the house where the Christians had gathered.

Manuel and I spent much of Saturday studying the chapter and listening to what God was teaching us. He practiced signing the story and pausing to ask questions to keep the Deaf congregation involved.

Manuel says it is the Spirit of God that helps him do the impossible: read the Bible since he did not learn to read in school.  God clearly has his hand on this young man, seeking his allegiance, encouraging him, and molding him into God's holy character.  Thank you for praying for Manuel.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy,
    May God be with both Manuel and you. You've opened up a door for him into ministry. Some of the great moments we have are when we hold the door open as someone else shares the good news with the one's God is sending them out to reach.
    Peace to you, John
